Choosing a Designated Safeguarding Lead

Safeguarding Children Level 3 DSL

Safeguarding Children Level 3 DSL

Choosing a Designated Safeguarding Lead

It is recommended that at least one person in your organisation is a “Designated Safeguarding Lead.”  This person will take the lead on safeguarding for your organisation.
Nominating someone to undertake the role may be the first task your group should consider. The person chosen should:

  • be someone with authority in the group such as a manager or team leader.
  • a paid member of staff if possible.
  • have a Disclosure and Baring Service (DBS) check.
  • have at least two references which are followed up. You may wish to consider appointing a deputy in case of sickness or leave.

Safeguarding Children Level 3 DSL Responsibilities

  1. The Designated Safeguarding Lead is the first point of contact for all staff and volunteers to go to for advice if they are concerned about a child (this may also need to be out of hours so staff and volunteers should always know how to contact them, or you can also appoint a Deputy).
  2. They have a higher level of online safeguarding children training and knowledge than the rest of the staff and should have completed a Safeguarding Children Level 3 DSL course.
  3. They are responsible for ensuring that their organisation’s safeguarding policy is kept up to date and complete the Section 11 audit tool (Upcoming Unit) every 2 years.
  4. They ensure that they comply with safe recruitment procedures (Upcoming Unit) for new staff members and their induction (Ensuring all Key Staff are trained to Level 2 and Support Staff to Level 1 minimum).
  5. They support staff to assist in information regarding concerns and support decision making about whether staff concerns are sufficient enough to notify Children’s Social Work Services or whether other courses of action are more appropriate.
  6. They make formal referrals to the Duty and Advice Team.
  7. They ensure that concerns are logged and stored securely.
  8. They have joint responsibility with the management committee or Board of Trustees to ensure that the organisation’s safeguarding policy and related policies and procedures are followed and regularly updated.
  9. They are responsible for promoting a safe environment for children and young people.
  10. They know the contact details of relevant statutory agencies e.g. Children’s Social Work Services (CSWS), Police, Local Safeguarding Children Board, and the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) or appropriate Authority figure for allegations against staff.

Further information

Click to view here in further detail –

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It is not the responsibility of the designated safeguarding officer to decide whether a child has been abused or not- that is the responsibility of investigative statutory agencies such as Children’s Social Work Services or the police.  However, keeping children safe is everybody’s business and all staff should know who to go to and how to report any concerns they may have about a child being harmed or at risk of being harmed, so ensure your team are all enrolled on to online safeguarding children training.

If you are the Designated Safeguarding Lead for your organisation, we recommend that you register with your local Safeguarding Board to ensure that you are kept up to date with all the latest safeguarding information from the Board and details of events and training.

Interested in starting Online Safeguarding Children Training? – click here –
