Essential Guide to Emergency First Aid at Work: Treating Burns

Treating Burns CORRECTLY

Essential Guide to Emergency First Aid at Work: Treating Burns


Accidents can happen anywhere, including the workplace.  Whether you work in a high-risk environment or a seemingly low-risk office setting, it is crucial to be prepared for emergencies and have the necessary knowledge to provide immediate first aid.  Burns, in particular, can occur due to various circumstances and require prompt attention.  In this blog post, we will provide you with an essential guide to emergency first aid at work, focusing on the proper treatment of burns / treating burns.

Training for Treating Burns

It goes without saying that you and your colleagues should think about attending Emergency First Aid at Work Training in Hertfordshire with us at The Training Centre

Understanding Burns

Before diving into the specifics of treating burns, it is important to understand the different types and severity levels of burns.  Burns are classified into three main categories:

  1. First-Degree Burns:  These are superficial burns that affect only the outer layer of the skin, causing redness, mild pain, and swelling.  The skin remains intact.
  2. Second-Degree Burns:  These burns extend beyond the outer layer of the skin, reaching the underlying layers.  They cause redness, blistering, intense pain, and swelling.
  3. Third-Degree Burns:  The most severe type of burn, third-degree burns penetrate all layers of the skin, potentially damaging nerves, muscles, and bones.  The affected area may appear white, charred, or blackened.

Immediate Actions

When a burn occurs at the workplace, it is crucial to take immediate actions to minimise damage and provide relief.  Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Ensure Safety:  Before approaching the burn victim, ensure that the environment is safe and free from potential hazards.
  2. Assess the Severity:  Quickly determine the severity of the burn by identifying the affected area and the extent of damage.
  3. Remove the Source:  If the burn resulted from a hot object or substance, carefully remove it from the victim to prevent further injury.

Treating First-Degree and Second-Degree Burns

For first-degree and some second-degree burns that are smaller than a person’s palm, you can provide initial first aid following these steps:

  1. Cool the Burn:  Hold the affected area under cool running water for at least 20 minutes.  This helps to reduce pain, swelling, and further damage to the tissues.
  2. Remove jewellery and loose clothing, do not attempt to move anything that is stuck to the burn.
  3. Cover the Burn:  Use cling film or a sterile non-stick dressing to loosely cover the burn.  This protects the area from infection.

Seeking Medical Attention

While first-degree and some second-degree burns can be managed with initial first aid, certain cases require immediate medical attention.  It is important to seek professional help if:

  1. The burn covers a large area of the body.
  2. The burn is located on the face, hands, feet, genitals, or major joints.
  3. The burn appears deep, with extensive blistering or charring.
  4. The burn resulted from chemicals, electricity, or an explosion.
  5. The person shows signs of shock, difficulty breathing, or other serious symptoms.

Preventing Workplace Burns

Prevention is always better than cure, so taking measures to prevent workplace burns is crucial.  Here are some HSE tips:

  1. Conduct Risk Assessments:  Regularly assess the workplace for potential burn hazards and take necessary precautions.
  2. Provide Proper Training:  Educate employees about burn prevention, safety protocols, and the appropriate use of equipment.  Here at The Training Centre, we provide face to face Emergency First Aid at Work Training in Watford, Hertfordshire and Hemel Hempstead.  For those that would like to complete this training immediately and online you can visit Emergency First Aid at Work EFAW Refresher Training.
  3. Promote Fire Safety:  Install fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, and fire alarms in the workplace.  Conduct fire drills periodically to ensure everyone knows how to respond in an emergency.  For Online Fire Warden Training please click here.

Conclusion for Treating Burns

Emergency first aid at work is a critical skill that every employee should possess. Understanding how to treat burns and taking immediate action can significantly reduce the severity of injuries.

Question and Answers for Emergency First Aid at Work in Hertfordshire

Q: What is the importance of learning emergency first aid at work in Hertfordshire for Treating Burns? A: Learning emergency first aid at work is crucial for treating burns because burns can happen in various work environments and require immediate attention.  Knowing how to provide initial aid can help minimise the damage, reduce pain, and prevent further complications until professional medical help arrives.

Q: What are the essential steps to follow when providing emergency first aid for Treating Burns at work?  A: The following steps are important when providing emergency first aid for burns at work:

  1. Ensure personal safety and remove the person from the source of the burn if it’s safe to do so.
  2. Cool the burn with cold running water for at least 20 minutes to reduce the heat and minimise tissue damage.
  3. Cover the burn with cling film or similar with a clean, non-stick dressing to protect it from infection.
  4. Monitor the person’s vital signs, such as breathing and consciousness, while waiting for medical assistance.
  5. Reassure and comfort the person, as burns can be painful and traumatic.

Q: How should chemical burns be treated during emergency first aid at work? A: When treating chemical burns during emergency first aid at work in hertfordshire:

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  1. Protect yourself by wearing appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) like gloves and goggles.
  2. Remove any contaminated clothing or jewellery from the affected area while avoiding further exposure.
  3. Rinse the burn with gently running water for at least 20 minutes to flush out the chemical.
  4. Cover the burn with a clean, non-stick dressing.
  5. Seek medical assistance promptly, as chemical burns may require specific treatment or evaluation by a healthcare professional.

Q: What should be done for electrical burns in the workplace? A: Dealing with electrical burns in the workplace involves the following steps:

  1. Ensure the person is no longer in contact with the electrical source before approaching them.
  2. If safe, turn off the power source or use an insulating object to separate the person from the electrical current.
  3. Check the person’s breathing and pulse. If necessary, begin CPR or rescue breathing.
  4. Cover the burn with a clean, non-stick dressing.
  5. Seek immediate medical attention, even if the burn seems minor, as electrical burns can cause internal injuries that may not be initially visible.